Texture project



1. I think my best photo is the third one with the star because it brings out the most texture out of all the photos.
2. I think my weakest photo of this assignment is the first one with the seashell because the lighting isn't so good and it doesn't brig out a lot of texture.
3. It can be improved by using better lighting next time and getting more up close.
4. I used Photoshop for editing my images and the tools that I used were in the adjustments tab and I used levels with Hue and Saturation.
5. I was able to reach the goals for this assignment by following the directions and trying the best i could to succeed.
6. The easiest part was the editing.
7. The most difficult part of this assignment was the photo taking.
8. I would change the lighting and use different positioning for the photo taking.
9. I think i would rate myself an 8/10 on this project because i took good photos but i felt like i could've done better.


  1. How were you able to meet the goal of achieving good texture?

  2. AWESOME JOB! Huge improvement! YOu have great compositions with good image quality and color. Do this every time! Keep up the good work.

  3. the spiky shell photo i think is the best i like how the detail of the shell.
    I think you should try to do different angels on the wavy shell picture.

  4. i like the shell photo it came out good overall great job


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